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Upcoming Events
- Wed, 25 Dec"For to us a child is born, to us a son is given" - Isaiah 9:6 Come celebrate the new beginning that the very first Christmas ushered in with the birth of the Saviour of the world, Jesus the Messiah!
- Sun, 15 DecJoin us on Sunday 15th December at 9.30am for carols singing and a short reflection followed by a free yet delightful morning tea.
- Sun, 31 MarThe story is not over with Good Friday ... for He is risen, risen indeed! You are invited to join us on Easter Sunday for the celebration of Jesus conquering death through His resurrection. - The angel said to the woman "He is not here; he has risen, just as he said." Matt 28:6
- Fri, 29 MarJoin us at Willo as we reflect and remember the death of Jesus Christ, who came to save all mankind and offer each of them eternal life with Him - Jesus said " I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." John 10:10b
- Mon, 25 DecJoin us on Christmas Day morning for a breakfast together, some carols and a short talk about the reason why we celebrate!
- Sun, 24 Dec"The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it." "The true light, which enlightens everyone, was coming in to the world." John 1:5 & 9 Welcome to the season of advent⭐! Please join us on Sunday the 24th of December this year for our Christmas Eve Service at 9:30am.
- Sun, 22 OctJoin us at 9:30 am on Sunday 22nd October for a short talk about the Bible, and how it is a trustworthy book with lunch to follow afterward – on us! The morning is family-friendly and there is a creche provided for the little ones.
- Sun, 23 July2023 marks the 40th anniversary of of Willetton Christian Church. What a blessing it is to celebrate God's providence and grace over many years and many more to come! We invite you to join us on Sunday the 23rd of July for a Thanksgiving Service at 9:30am with morning tea and lunch to follow from 12
- Sun, 09 AprHe is risen, He is risen indeed! Join us for our Easter Sunday Service at 9:30 on Sunday the 9th of April followed by lunch together afterwards. A creche for ages 0-5 is available.
- Fri, 07 Apr"But he was pierced for our transgressions, he was crushed for our iniquities; the punishment that brought us peace was on him, and by his wounds we are healed." Isaiah 53:6 Join us for our Good Friday Service at 9:30am with morning tea and coffee to follow. A creche for ages 0-5 available.
- Wed, 19 MayWhat's the best news you've ever heard? Whoever you are, whatever you're thinking, Christianity Explored is a place for you to explore what life's all about. It might be the best news you've heard.
- Sun, 18 AprJoin us for a short presentation about the good news of Jesus, and a spot of dinner to follow - on us!
- Sun, 07 FebTo all Parents; single, step-parents, prospective parents, couples or carers. This course aims to provide practical support to strengthen family relationships for every type of parenting situation.
- Fri, 25 DecJoin us for a delicious breakfast on Christmas Day morning served at 8:30 am outside in the Gloucester Court car park undercover. Stay around for a short message and music!
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